Carp Print

- "Izaak Walton, author of 'The Complete Angler' in 1653 wrote, 'The carp is the Queen of Rivers; a stately, a good and a very subtle fish that was not first bred, nor hath been long in England.' Izaak also called the carp the 'river fox', because 'it is very hard to be caught'. I ordered a SMALL fish from my local fishmonger, and when this one arrived, it weighed 3.5kg! The poor Carp lay on my bench for thirteen hours while I drew it straight onto the copper plate. It took me a day to etch the plate in acid and another day to hand-colour it - by which time the carp smelled decidedly fishy! I love drawing fish although it did take me two hours to draw two square inches of scales. People often ask whether I eat the fish after I have drawn them. Never! By the time I have finished them they are far from fresh, and besides, after staring at them for hours and hours I feel that I know them rather too well!"
- "Hover your cursor over the image to 'zoom' in and reveal more detail of the Carp Print"
- Carp Print SOLD OUT - Hand Coloured Etching
- Plate size: 525 x 240 mm
- Limited edition of 250
- The Carp Print print is supplied mounted in white acid free board, backed and wrapped in cellophane